Agriturismo / Holiday Rentals
Immerse tra gli ulivi secolari, vicinissime al mare e a pochi kilometri dai borghi storici della Valle d'Itria. La Casina e La Casa del Fico, entrambe con piscine private ad uso esclusivo, sono pronte ad accoglierti.
Surrounded by centuries-old olive trees, very close to the sea and a few kilometers far from the historic villages of the Valle d'Itria. Our Casina and our Casa del Fico, both with private pools for exclusive use, are ready to welcome you.
Tour e assaggi guidati / Guided tour and tasting
Organizziamo visite e assaggi guidati in Masseria finalizzati a promuovere un consumo consapevole dell'olio extravergine. Per il nostro impegno ci è stato assegnato il Premio Speciale Olio e Turismo 2024 del Gambero Rosso.
We host guided tours and tastings in Masseria aimed at promoting a conscious consumption of extra virgin olive oil. For our commitment we were awarded the Gambero Rosso 2024 Oil and Tourism Special Prize.
Booking: +39 3289779770 Whatsapp Chat
Visiting Puglia
We really care about visitors to discover the most authentic side of our Region. That's why we wrote a free and ever expanding guide with a few tips to travel "Italy's boot" like a local. Here you'll find a list of places to visit, delicious restaurants, typical foods (and drinks) you cannot miss and experiences we recommend. Not sponsored in any way, we only included places and experiences we personally visited and liked.
Recensioni / Reviews
- Premio Speciale Olio e Turismo 2024 Gambero Rosso
- Tre Foglie Guida Oli d'Italia del Gambero Rosso 2024 (Giacomì), Due Foglie Rosse (Alba), Due Foglie rosse (Frà)
- Grande Olio Guida agli Extravergini Slow Food 2024 (Giacomì)
- World's Top 500 Producers Flos Olei 2025
- Soci FIOI con abilitazione all'uso del marchio